Tel Shimron Excavations

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A Day at Tel Shimron

The day starts early, 4:30 am early, when staff and volunteers roll out of bed. At 5:00 am everyone piles into cars for the short trip to the tel. Once on site, staff and volunteers gather the necessary tools and head to the excavation areas. The best thing about such early mornings? Sunrises on the tel.

Once the sun is up, we start excavating.

We work until 9:00 am when we eat breakfast on site in the pottery compound. After breakfast it’s back to work until 1:00 pm when we finish with excavation for the day. Lunch is also in the pottery compound. Afterwards, we spend several hours processing the objects we found during excavation.

Around 3:30 pm, or whenever we’ve finished processing artifacts, we head back to the dorms, our work done for the day. The afternoon is for catching up on paperwork, if you’re staff, relaxing, if you’re a volunteer, and going to classes and/or lectures, if you are volunteer participating in a summer school program. Dinner is at 7:00 pm and then it is bedtime. Wake up and repeat.

Want to see a sunrise on the tel? Uncover a Roman period house? Excavate Hellenistic or Middle Bronze Age architecture? Learn about Iron Age ceramics? We are accepting applications for the 2020 field season.