Tel Shimron Excavations

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Tel Shimron 2020 Field Season

This June we will return to Tel Shimron for our third season of excavation. A team of archaeologists, specialists, and volunteers will excavate remains from the Middle Bronze Age, the Iron Age, and the Hellenistic and Roman periods.

Whether you are a student of archaeology or someone who has always wondered what it might be like to excavate, we encourage you to consider joining us this summer. You’ll learn about the history and archaeology of Tel Shimron, archaeological theory and methodology, and how it is that artifacts go from discovery in the ground to being studied and published by the archaeologists and specialists on staff. Students interested in receiving summer school credit even have the opportunity to take classes through Tel Aviv University.

Over the next several weeks we’ll post more about the upcoming season, what a typical day looks like, some of the technologies we use, and more. The blog is a great, informal way to learn more about Tel Shimron and what we do.

Interested in volunteering? Applications are due by April 10th. You can find more information about dates and application by clicking here.