A Day in Grid 94 AND We Survived Week Five

Wow! What a week. In Grid 94, they continued their excavation of a mixed domestic and industrial courtyard with sunken jars and plaster installations. 

In Grid 92, they worked on exposing more of the Middle Bronze Age and in Grid 23/24, the team began dismantling the latest phase of the street and the buildings fronting it. 

It's a short weekend for us, we are back at work on Sunday, and then it is on to our last week. There is still a great deal to do. We'll be excavating three or four more days before we start sweeping for photos. At the same time, we will start organizing the storage of artifacts, prepare for the final party, and get ready to say goodbye to new friends. 

We have one more week to make memories and uncover another chapter in the history of Tel Shimron. 


Tracy Hoffman