Archaeologists Find Perplexing 4,000-year-old Canaanite Arch in Northern Israel, in Haaretz, August 17, 2023
In northern Israel, massive 3,800-year-old monument stuns and stumps archaeologists, in Times of Israel, August 17, 2023
Rare ancient mudbrick passageway found in Jezreel Valley, in Jewish News Syndicate, August 17, 2023
Rare 3,800-year-old Mudbrick Passageway Discovered In Northern Israel - I24NEWS, August 17, 2023
Intact 3,800-Year-Old Mudbrick Passageway with Supported Vault Discovered in Jezreel Valley, on Jewishpress.com, August 17, 2023
Dr. Daniel Master discusses the 2023 discovery of a 3,800 year old corbelled vault.
Digging In: Tel Shimron Tales from an Untouched Archaeological Gold Mine
Tel Shimron is part of the long term collaboration between the Israel Antiquities Authority and the Museum of the Bible
Interview by the Biblical Archaeology Society, in Bible History Daily blog
Interview with Co-Directors Daniel Master and Mario Martin in Haaretz
Tel Shimron was featured in the Jan/Feb 2018 edition of the Biblical Archaeology Review
Feature in the Jezreel Valley Regional Council newsletter: Dig the Treasures of Tel Shimron