Day Two
Here are some more pictures from Seminar Day.
Today was our first day of digging. Everyone piled into cars at 5:00am for the short 5 minute drive to the tel. Once there, tools were loaded into wheelbarrows and carted off to each of the four excavation areas.
In Grid 92, located within a stand of trees at the base of the tel, the team is excavating material from the Hellenistic period as well as the Middle Bronze Age. In Grid 94, situated within a field of purple flowers, the team is excavating the Hellenistic period. Up on the tel, in Grid 23/24, the team is excavating Roman, Crusader and Mamluk material. At the top of the tel, in the newly opened Grid 33, they are excavating Iron Age material.
It promises to be another fantastic season. We’ll post on the blog every day so check back often to see what’s happening.
First day finds in Grid 23/24
First day finds in Grid 23/24