Day Eighteen

Yesterday marked the end of the first half of the season. Before our three week volunteers left, everyone went on a tour of the tel to see the work being done in each of the excavation areas. Needless to say, things look very different after three weeks of excavation.

Grid 23/24 heads off to the Tel Tour

Grid 23/24 heads off to the Tel Tour

Kate Birney leads the tour of Grid 94

Kate Birney leads the tour of Grid 94

Adam Aja leads the tour of Grid 92

Adam Aja leads the tour of Grid 92

Jonathan Wylie and Rachel Kalisher lead the tour of Grid 33

Jonathan Wylie and Rachel Kalisher lead the tour of Grid 33

Visitors to Grid 23/24 saw the newly uncovered wall of a building which likely dates to the Roman period

Visitors to Grid 23/24 saw the newly uncovered wall of a building which likely dates to the Roman period

Tracy Hoffman