Day Thirty-Four

The same wind that damaged the pottery compound shade cloth yesterday afternoon also damaged the Grid 23/24 shade cloth.

Staff and volunteers arriving at Grid 23/24 to find the shade cloth down

Staff and volunteers arriving at Grid 23/24 to find the shade cloth down

The first time wind carried off the Grid 23/24 shade cloth, it was found at the top of the tel caught in some trees. This time it didn’t get that far and with a little help from Grid 33, it was back up in no time.

Hanging a 30 x 15 meter shade cloth requires a lot of people

Hanging a 30 x 15 meter shade cloth requires a lot of people

Grid 33 helps Grid 23/24 hang their shade cloth

Grid 33 helps Grid 23/24 hang their shade cloth

We have three more days of digging before the last final photos are taken and the team is hard at work making sure everything is finished on time.

Talking about the dirt in Grid 94

Talking about the dirt in Grid 94

Our excavation conservator Angie cleans a metal object

Our excavation conservator Angie cleans a metal object


Day Thirty-Five


Day Thirty-Three