What are we digging, exactly?

We are running two fields this season - one at the top of the tel and one about mid-way down the slope. Both areas have mixed periods of occupation exposed and we are working to clarify these periods by opening new areas, while continuing in areas adjacent to squares we opened in 2017 and 2019. So far, we can say that the top of the tel is mixed periods from Bronze Age to Iron Age. We have exposed mostly Roman occupation in the middle of the tel, but we’re still exploring this area.

Today, after just two days of digging, we have began to reveal stone features in both fields. This is exciting news to have results and architectural discoveries so soon in these new excavation fields. Tel Shimron is full of promise for many years of excavation to come!

If you weren’t able to join us this year, we hope you’ll consider joining us in 2022!

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Melissa Aja