Preseason Day Three

Busy day in the pottery compound. This is where the dig day begins and ends, we eat breakfast and lunch, we store tools and supplies, and where we process artifacts.

Dr. Krystal V.L. Pierce, Registrar and Pottery Compound Manager, and Dr. Tracy Hoffman, Grid Supervisor, discuss logistics

Dr. Krystal V.L. Pierce, Registrar and Pottery Compound Manager, and Dr. Tracy Hoffman, Grid Supervisor, discuss logistics

The compound is also the base of operations for the GIS team which is responsible for recording and analyzing spatial data. Their work requires significant computing power and today team members began setting up the machines.

Dr. George Pierce setting up the GIS computers

Dr. George Pierce setting up the GIS computers

Elsewhere on site, shade cloths are going up over all the excavation areas in preparation for the season.

Preparing the Grid 23/24 shade cloth

Preparing the Grid 23/24 shade cloth

The first day of excavation is just a week away!


Preseason Day Four


Preseason Day Two